First Flight – First Crash
Several weeks ago i did the first flight with my Mickey’s RC F22 Raptor. It’s build out of foam board which makes it very light (and luckily very ease to repair 😉 )
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Unfortunately the cheap 4CH E-Sky transmitter lost contanct after about 20 meters. The receiver did all weired things after it lost the signal and the plane crashed 🙁

The nose got bend but the rest of the plane is still ok. In fact the damage looks worse than it is. I’ll just cut off the whole nose pice, build a new one of a small piece of foam and gule the new one. That’s the really cool thing about building a plane out of foam. If you crash, just cut the pieces out of a new foam board and you’re ready to fly in a few minutes.
But I’ll have to wait until my package from HobbyKing arrives. Next to some helicopter stuff it will contain the HK7x-M2 2.4Ghz 7ch w/ 5 Model Memory TX & RX (Mode 2) which should provide me with a much better transmitter and receiver than that crappy E-Sky transmitter.
I needed to repair three more nose pieses. Luckyly foam board is that easy to hot-glue together again.