HowTo: Backup and Restore a model file from Devo 7E (export/import)

HowTo: Backup and Restore a model file from Devo 7E (export/import)

This post describes how you can backup models from your Devo 7E transmitter to your PC, and how to restore them later. This comes very handy when you plan to play around with your transmitter (e.g. installing DeviationTX) and you want to be sure not to loose your model settings. Read more below…


Of course first you need to install the Walkera Upgrade Tool called “Devention Dfuse USB Upgrade Tools”. You can download it from here:
Make sure that you always have the latest version of the tool. At the time I created this post version 1.7 was the latest version.

One important note about the Walkera Upgrade Tool:
“UPLOAD” means to copy data from your transmitter to the PC
“UPGRADE” means to copy data from your PC to your transmitter
While this might be a bit confusing at first, it is the same for all the different options. Regardless if you install new firmware or you save or backup model files. Upload always transfers data from your Devo to your PC and Upgrade always transfers data from your PC to your Devo transmitter.



HowTo: Backup and Restore a model file from Devo 7E

(1) Find the model you want to backup or export

Enter the “Model Menu” and choose the “Model Select” option. The list of model that you store on your Devo 7E shows up. In front of each model’s name y number is listed. These are the numbers that you need. Because the Walkera Tool only operates on these numbers to identify the models.

This is how the model list looks

(2) Connect Devo 7E to your PC

With your transmitter you received a USB cable. First make sure the Devo 7E is turned off. Now plug the cable to the side of your Devo 7E and the other end into your PC.

Now press and keep holding the “EXT” button on your Devo7E. While you hold the button switch on the radio. A “Program Upgrade …” screen should appear and your Windows should play a sound to indicate that the USB device was recognized.

(3) Install drivers (only first time)

When you connect your transmitter to the PC the first time you need to install some drivers. When Windows ask you for the drivers, you’ll find a sub-folder where you installed the “Devention Dfuse USB Upgrade Tools” (see download link above). That folder contains the needed drivers.

(4) The Tool

After you connected your Devo 7E to the PC as described in step 2, you can start the “Devention Dfuse USB Upgrade Tools”.

This is how the tool looks. The numbers in the upper right corner show that your Devo 7E was recognized correctly. Otherwise the fields would be empty.

(5) Backup or export a model from your Devo 7E

For backup and to restore models you need to switch to the config tab of the tool:

The "Config" tab is used to copy models from and to your Devo 7E

For backing up models from your Devo 7E to your PC you only need the section that is called “Upload File”.

There you need to select the number of the model that you want to backup and you need to select a file where the model should be stored on your PC. Finally you need to click the “Upload” button to upload the model data from the Devo 7E to your PC.

That’s it your model is now safely stored on your PC!

(6) Restore or import a model file to your Devo 7E

More or less the same steps are done to restore a model file back to the radio.

For restoring a model file you use the section that is called “Upgrade or Verify File”. As I already mentioned the “Upload” and “Upgrade” terms might be a bit confusing, so please always double check everything before hitting one of the buttons.

You need to select the model number which should be overwritten with the data from the model file. And of course you need to select the file that should be transfered to the radio. Finally you click the “Upgrade” button and the model will be copied from your PC to the Devo 7E.

That’s it you have successfully restored a model from a backed up file!

8 Comments on “HowTo: Backup and Restore a model file from Devo 7E (export/import)

  1. Hey many thanks for the helpful tut.
    Really appreciated.
    Just wanted to mention that like the YouTube post which was corrected, this still needs to be changed.
    Should be ” EXT ” instead of ” ENT “.
    Just wanted to help save others the confusion.

    Many thanks for your time in creating the helpful tutorials and if I can ever be of any help please don’t hesitate to yell. I have done graphics for many years and still enjoy drawing diagrams, schematics, etc..

  2. Thank you for this nice tutorial. 🙂

    When I’m doing this and uploading a cfg to PC, I’m getting the message “Image error, unable to append it to CFG file…”. But uploading Library *.bin is possible and successful, which shows me I have installed the Dfuse (latest v2.0) correctly.

    I have no clue. But is this really necessary? Could i not just go into pendrive USB mode and copy directory files instead?

    Thank you

    • Hi, this video is meant for the original Walkera firmware as shown in the video. There is no USB pendrive mode (as far as I know). Only when you re-flash with the deviation firmware, then you are able to copy model files via USB.

  3. I followed all your steps and procedures and downloaded the latest version of the firmware I don’t really like this installation. How do I restore the transmitter back to the original firmware.

    • You can simply download the original firmware from the walkera website from the same place where you downloaded the upgrade tool. Follow the instructions from here but select the original file from walkera instead of the deviation.

      • I had been to walkera website. on the site for the united states It does not have a download section. I have downloaded the DEVO7E v2.0 zip to set it back to factory settings. I am trying to reset the firmware and the library files. Can you please help and tell me how

  4. I have followed this procedure to the letter and it will not work. I get an “unexpected error” when I press Upload. Any ideas??

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